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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Celebrity Idiots - BoomTheTruth

Why is it when people make millions of dollars and are in the public eye...they become stupid? I personally cannot believe the level of dumbassness these celebs achieve once they are loved and have the money rolling in. Lets see what celebs were dumb enough to get caught: Tiki Barber, Jesse James, Tiger Woods, Jon Gosselin, and Josh Duhamel to name a few. First of all cheating is never ok, but it sure as hell not ok when you can lose half of everything you own. If your gonna cheat atleast be smart about it lol. Come on Guys lets be honest how are u gonna cheat on your wife with like 10 different girls (cough cough Tiger Woods) and expect never to get caught? All those woman wanted one thing from you Tiger your money...Dont think your all slick and your a ladies man. YOUR play golf nothing to write home about...Those girls wants that nice $$ you got, so not only are you cheating and your wife will take you to the cleaners, but now your paying off random girls for one night thousands or dollars for them not to show those texts and pictures. Yes the media said they all started comming forward after you got caught...thats because Tiger Woods stopped paying them off once he got caught...and thats the TRUTH. So remember guys and gals if u gonna cheat and your famous get a second phone or a prenup! BoomTheTruth